Antje Schulz

Aphorisms by Antje Schulz

“The endless pursuit of happiness clouds the view of contentment.”

“Only the imperfect makes art perfect.”

“Everything can be nothing, and nothing can be everything.”

“Every person is extraordinary.”

“The past is a glimpse into the future, blinded by the present.”

“When everyone only sees themselves, no one sees the other anymore.”

“To distance oneself from nature means to distance oneself from oneself.”

“Everything happens as it should – or not.”

“Listen to your instincts, they know more than you do.”

“We are like stars on the horizon. While some shine brightly, it is another that quietly fades away.”

“Thoughts are travelers in the universe of infinity.”

“We strive for heaven on earth and forget that it is the ground that supports us.”

“Talking is silver, acting is gold.”

“Some may find me peculiar. I may be unique, but never obedient.”

“People who believe they know everything know the least.”

“It’s not the big things that move things, it’s the small things that move great things.”

“The mind extinguishes the fire of our hearts.”

“If we always fear losing, we have already lost.”

“Do not leave houses for children, give them time.”

“No money in the world outweighs love.”

“To be human means to be humane.”

“Even from small stones, a house will eventually be built.”

“Every factor is predictable except the human factor.”

“What you take in your hand, you must also be able to let go of.”

“Courage is when you dare anyway.”

“The world doesn’t have to lie at my feet, I carry it in my heart.”

“Order is half of life, and disorder is the other half.”

“The path to oneself is the longest path we will walk. Some never arrive.”

“We drown in the river of eternal desire.”

“Love is the labyrinth of our hearts.”

“Only when we start to think of nothing do we start to think.”

“The appearance of one is the shadow of the other.”

“Happy is the one who recognizes that he is happy.”

“Only those who swim against the current reach new shores.”

“Modesty is the greatest wealth.”

“Some speak their minds without thinking about what they say.”

“What a person pretends to be, he is least of all.”

“Strength also means showing weakness.”

“Two endangered words: Please and Thank you.”

“The most difficult thing is to be happy with what you have.”

“There are a thousand reasons against it and twice as many for it.”

“Every answer raises a new question.”

“Have the courage to be courageous instead of being afraid of fear.”

“One does not want to constantly talk about the rain when the sun is shining.”

“Erase the word ‘must’ from your vocabulary, and your life will take on new meaning.”

“We break rules to establish new ones.”

“Destiny is like a hungry wolf. Sometimes you hear it howling, sometimes you see it, but most of the time it strikes from ambush.”

“A person without dreams is like a house without windows.”

“A million points make a point.”

“Sometimes the solution comes before the problem.”

“Every beginning starts with an end.”

“We strive for the unattainable and idealize what we are not.”

“True greatness is recognized in small things.”

“At the end of a life, the journey to oneself begins.”

Copyright: Antje Schulz / All rights reserved.